Hi, there.
As I said in title, I'm gradually used to go school in the end because I know what should I do in the class and know how much teacher take me homework.
Huuu, today teacher said me "everybody prepare for Khoot! " https://kahoot.it/#/ It's the system of quiz game. teacher set the question which can answer from four choice and that is related to yestarday's homework in there. and students should answer and give us the score. If I can got answer faster, score is higher, and time is faster and faster when we finish one question. That was fun so much because the score can be incentive to fast answer.
And one more big thing happen, we will go to Marrian hotel as a class in the end of terms. Unfortunatly, I don't know that and don't have interest for that. I wanna escape that... but that is also class! I have to go!
Moreover, we took exciting class! we watch TV show, "The Apprentice Austarlia" which is business document TV. In detail, successful business manager invite 12 people who are variety of age, job. and they can live in gorgeous house but manager take unknown task for them to success in society. every task have a change theme. basically split into two team and compete and If the team lose, one of them called "you are fired!" from him. I can't catch what happening in the end but it must be good oppotunities for them.
we watch that and listening what is going on and answer the quiz on the paper.
that's all!!
If you wait, all that happens is you get older.
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